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Welcome to the PREPARED newsletter!

Hello there!

We are delighted to have you on board.

As we enter our seventh month on the project, let's reflect on the phenomenal progress the team has made so far in our mission to make research ethics and integrity ready for the next global crisis.

Quick links:

Project updates and news 

/campaigns/org20085382573/sitesapi/files/images/20085382275/1477176295_bb870b0d5c_o (1).jpg  

(Image: "Language" by Mark Reese; CC BY-NC 2.0)

Language reports 

Our international team have been reviewing the ethics and integrity challenges of research during an unexpected global crisis. With a global team, we now have reviews in five major languages and three more coming! 


Nairobi Interviews

Our teammates at Partners for Health and Development in Africa have been consulting sex workers and the LGBT+ community in Nairobi to explore the impact of the pandemic on marginalised populations. 

/campaigns/org20085382573/sitesapi/files/images/20085382275/FnzenFjXoAAO3mw.jpeg  .

(Image: "Women of NASA on LEGO Ideas" by Maia Weinstock, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Women researchers and Covid-19

VUMC in Amsterdam are finding out how and why female researchers took a harder hit from Covid-19 in their careers than male counterparts.

Learning needs in the research ecosystem

The PREPARED team and our network of stakeholders have been working to identify the learning needs for different sectors of the research field, and the best ways to deliver training.

Life on the frontline of Covid-19

Using a meta-ethnographic analysis, UCLan UK have been analysing the life of healthcare workers working in the battlezones of Covid-19 outbreaks.

Bhopal Think20

The Think20 summit in Bhopal was a roaring success for our partners at RIS, attended by PREPARED co-ordinator Prof Doris Schroeder and Dr Nandini Kumar pictured right. The summit ended with the launch of the “Bhopal Declaration” calling for further south-south cooperation and urging G20 nations to promote the voices of the global south.  Read more here

A tribute to Dr Vasantha Muthuswamy

Last month we sadly lost a beloved member of the PREPARED team, Dr Vasantha Muthuswamy (pictured left). She was a pioneer in the field of Indian bioethics, founding the Forum for Ethics Review Committees in Asia Pacific (FERCAP) and sitting as president of the Forum for Ethics Review committees in India up until her death. 

Colleagues and friends remember her as driven, distinguished and a warm true friend. We have prepared a tribute to Dr Vasantha here. She will be missed greatly.

What we're reading

On the PREPARED blog...

Dr Orla Drummond reviews a new book on the pandemic's ethical challenges across the globe.

Dr Michael Makanga explains how EDCTP rapidly released funding for researchers to fight COVID-19, sprouting landmark research partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the literature...

“Values in times of crisis : strategic crisis management in the EU” by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies 

 “Challenges and practices arising during public health emergencies: A qualitative survey on ethics committees” by P. Ekmekci et al. in Developing World Bioethics 

 “Challenges and proposed solutions in making clinical research on COVID-19 ethical: a status quo analysis across German research ethics committees” by A. Faust et al. in Med Ethics 

Food for thought...

“Retracting my paper was painful. But it helped me grow as a scientist” by Jaivme Evaristo in the Science blog 

"The spread of true and false news online: lies spread faster than the truth" by Vosoughi et al. in Science

"The Magic of Knowing When to Use Concrete vs. Abstract Language" by Jonah Berger in the Behavioural Scientist blog

Call for submissions!

The journal Research Ethics, guest edited by our own Dr Kate Chatfield and Dr Hazel Partington, is taking submission for a special issue on the theme: "Preparing for the next disaster: Research ethics and integrity matters in crisis situations". See the potential topics for submission here. Deadline is 30th November 2023.

Upcoming events

Rethinking Policy, Expertise and Trust

23-25 March, Dublin

An academic conference hosted by the EU-funded PERITA project with panels discussing policy, expertise and trust, as well as presentations on papers covering philosophy, sociology, political science, media studies, public policy, and science communication.

International Science Council and All European Academies second conference on the war in Ukraine

20-22 March, online

The conference will review the impact of the war on the higher education and science sector in Ukraine, and discuss how science can better understand, prevent and prepare for unexpected crises

Towards a FAIRer World: Implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science to address global challenges

29 March, Paris/online

This symposium examines next steps in developing cooperative scientific, digital, and ethics frameworks for implementing the principles and values expressed in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science while responding to the seven areas of action it sets out.

Gothenberg International Science Festival

18-23 April, Gothenburg

The annual popular science festival is back in Gothenberg this year. This year’s theme is ‘limits’ and features events touching on everything from the psychology of conspiracy theories and the social life at border towns after COVID-19.

Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

24-26 April 2023, Prague

This year’s theme is ‘Widening and Deepening the RMA Profession in Europe and beyond’. Topics and workshops include open science and responsible research. 

Annual conference of PRIDE-Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education

4-5th May, Porto

This year’s theme is “Research Conduct and Integrity - the Challenges for the Doctoral Journey”. The conference will be discussing research culture and ethics in the PhD space.

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PREPARED project | Marine Point, 2nd Floor, Belview Port, Waterford, X91 W0XW, Ireland